The Shearwater Landing project involved major remediation, civil construction and landscaping works at a site adjacent to Don Lucas Reserve, Captain Cook Drive and Towra Point Park Wetlands. All work was completed in ecologically sensitive and contaminated areas. Approximately 600,000 m³ of uncontrolled fill was sorted and re-compacted into engineered fill layers up to 30 meters deep. This included the handling and offsite disposal of approximately 5,000 m³ of asbestos-contaminated material, as well as fine dust and asbestos air monitoring. Additionally, 250,000 m³ of capping layer was imported, placed and compacted.
Civil works included service relocations and reticulation, culvert and drainage installation, pavement installation, and the construction of wetlands and subdivisions on Captain Cook Road. Wetlands in Towra Point Park were dewatered and extended, with rock walls and batters upgraded. The project also involved deep excavation with temporary shoring and bracing, below-ground water excavation, onsite treatment, and offsite disposal of approximately 2,500 m³ of heavily hydrocarbon-contaminated sludge.